ISO 45001 audit success for Sittingbourne : International Procurement & Logistics

ISO 45001 audit success for Sittingbourne

Posted on June 25, 2024

Our Sittingbourne site has been the first site to be involved in the ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Audit Programme.

This immersive audit, which lasted six days, looked at how the site complies with the ISO 45001 standards of Occupational Health & Safety, with the Auditor submitting the results to the British Standards Institute.

At the end of the audit, Sittingbourne was awarded the Certificate of Compliance to ISO 45001, with no major or minor non-conformances identified and only four Observations for Improvement (OFI) identified.

The Auditor shared the following positive feedback:

“You have a good Safety Management System.”

“The endorsement system for critical safety jobs (FLT drivers) – I have never seen this in operation in any industry I have visited that focuses drivers minds on H&S.”

“The loading bay wheel locks to prevent drive offs from bays, ultimately protecting those in the warehouse loading and unloading.”

“When talking to colleagues in the operations, the colleagues were positive about working for IPL and they demonstrated that they knew what they need to do for a good job.”

Fred Friest, Head of Health & Safety, SCS and Audit, said: “It was great to see the site leadership team and colleagues working together to deliver this result.

“This recommendation for Sittingbourne to be issued with the 45001 certification is down to every single colleague at Sittingbourne, but I would like to call out some colleagues who were involved in the audit and were able to demonstrate compliance from their areas of responsibility both verbally and with documentary evidence: 

  • H&S – Alan Wagger
  • Training – Ellie Godley and Craig Hayes
  • Engineering – Peter Conway

“Everyone at Sittingbourne should be proud of this result and I hope you all celebrate the success.”

Congratulations to everyone involved in this audit success at Sittingbourne, your hard work and efforts demonstrate how you are truly living and breathing our values.

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